Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Morning Chants - Day 14

Morning chants of prodding and waking.  Countdown of minutes 'till the bus rolls down the road.  Reminders spoken of library books or notes left unpacked the night before.  Lunches tucked into backpacks as they head out the door.

Many mornings have made the routine easy with familiarity.  Boyhood distraction solicits frequent reminders.  Chaos ensues with scrambling near the door.  It happens each day no matter how we prepare.  Mom's eyes on the clock as the last tiny man trails out the door; sometimes complete with backpack and lunch.

Standing amidst the ever-shifting flow of them.  Listening as they talk of all the day holds, of the dreams the night brought them, of the stone Morgan holds, or the leaves at their feet.  All the prodding and reminding, the scrambling and countdown are so worth those precious moments we stand at the end of the lane, and we wait.

These are moments of calm at the end of the rush.  A gift I give them to start the day before the busyness of school overtakes them.  A little something to bolster if the day feels rough.

I hope in the future they remember how we talked and we laughed and saw the world covered in its early morning veil.   How we rushed through the have-to to get more of the want-to.

Click here to see the rest of my Write 31 Days series:  Simple Gems

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