Monday, October 12, 2015

Thankful - Day 12

Warmth lingers this autumn.  It's lovely.  Nature is providing us with a beautiful fluctuation between brilliant blue sky warmth and heavy grey coolness; sunshine and clouds; warm breezes blowing and cold dismal rain; open windows and crackling fires.

I so enjoy warm, sunny days of any season.  This year I am not only enjoying the weather, but I am thankful for it.  Earlier this fall I acknowledged to myself that I might not get to everything in my garden before frost.  Each time I watch the temperature needle drop low, I admit defeat for the remaining vegetables and am okay with letting them go.  So far though, we've been spared.

Our garden lies at the back corner of our property, hidden from my view by the woods that cover most of our four acres.  Although we love living at the edge of the woods, it doesn't afford an open, sunny location for a garden closer to the house.  In the growing season I am in the garden every day, seeing what has sprouted, blossomed or produced the first tiny vegetables.  But this time of year, days pass between my treks.

There is something so right about finishing off the garden on Thanksgiving Monday.  Beautiful skies, warm breezes blowing, boys laughing, husband home and my hands in the dirt harvesting food to feed my family.  Is there anything other than thankfulness I could feel with all of this surrounding me?

Click here to see the rest of my Write 31 Days series:  Simple Gems


  1. I am so happy for your positive gardening season and glad the frost held off just long enough for a perfect Thanksgiving ending for your veggies :)

    1. I'm glad the frost has held off so we can all enjoy the beautiful warm days we've had...the garden being spared a little has sure been a bonus this year!


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