Excitement builds as the day progresses. Chores are done without complaint. A friend drops by with early treats. Costumes are donned for a first run through. Pieces are found; incomplete costume parts are made. Face paint is picked to make the costumes complete. Trick or Treating time is soon to begin.
An early supper of fruit, cheese and crackers is spread on the table to nibble on while we prepare to face the night. Tummy's don't need to be too full tonight as plenty of treats will be eaten later. There are certain times through the year I don't limit the amount of treats and goodies they eat. Halloween is one of them.
After clothes are layered beneath the costumes for warmth, accessories are added and makeup applied. Pictures are taken and we head out the door. A Mystery Man, a pumpkin, Robin Hood, a dinosaur, and a black and white cat all load in the van.
Driving to town we trudge up the streets. Small boys walk diligently on through drizzle and rain, knocking on doors Daddy says are okay. As wee legs tire and fingers grow colder the little ones climb in the van that is warm. But the twins keep Daddy walking, and standing in the wet, until home and dry beckon warmth.
Dylan fell asleep well before the last doorbell was rung. Evan and Nicholas sat sorting candy in their seats in the van, enjoying some while we waited. The three went straight to bed, exhausted by Halloween. But James and Morgan's fun was still running high. A good snoop through their loot, a few treats to eat, and off to bed they went.
Thank you for joining me on this journey through Write 31 Days. I'm so glad I accepted this challenge. It's really helped develop my love of writing and making it part of my every day. Starting tomorrow, November 1, I will be starting my next writing journey of NaNoWriMo so I can continue writing daily. I'm so excited!