This year I determined to change my perspective even though I don't usually make resolutions. I have always liked to be somewhat of a bohemian drifting with a come-what-may-for-the-day attitude. However, with a large family to manage, a home that needs tending and work that has deadlines, how can I seriously continue to live in my bohemian bubble? Oh sure, it was fine when there were mostly babies and toddlers in the house, but school has changed that.
I have spent a lot of time reflecting and have set some (ehh hmm) goals. Aak! I can't believe I am actually saying this! I am NOT a goal-setter! I'm not an organized, everything-in-its-place house manager. I'm just not, it doesn't resonate well with me since I've never done it. But for quite awhile now I've been looking at what is not working in my habits and our home. It comes down to this: organization. So, whether I like it or not, I will have to become organized. Oh, don't get me wrong, I love the idea of organization! My hurdle is that I don't know how to get there. So, I've looked at the advise of what works for some fellow bloggers. I've questioned my sister-in-law who, in my eyes, is the queen of getting it done and making it work. I pinned anything I found online on Pinterest so I could find it again when I needed it. And I have talked it over and over and over again with my very patient husband.
One day, not long ago, I took the plunge and started. I actually took time to write out the many thoughts whirling through my mind to consolidate them into a list of goals. I printed off some worksheets and guidelines I think will help keep me on track. And to top it all off, I compiled all of these into a "household binder" so I can easily access it and use it.
Now I'm taking it one step further. I am typing this out for others to read when they stumble upon my words either by choice or by chance. Now I am accountable to at least attempt implementing these changes. I have known for so long they are necessary but, due to both reluctance to change on my part and circumstances that I couldn't change, I have not yet begun.
But what better time is there than now? Tomorrow is a fresh new day ahead of me without any mistakes, disappointments or failed attempts written on its pages yet. (Thank you Anne Shirley!)
Wow! Big step my bohemian friend ;) You can do it - just be true to you and don't try and force yourself into someone else's bubble. If your organization is different than someone else's WHO CARES??? as long as it works for you. I'm so like you in that I love organization but hate the feeling of being forced there. Do it by your own rhythm and you'll do great :) Can't wait to hear how it goes...I'm sure you'll be updating us now that you've put it out there...GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!