In the weeks leading up to my 40th birthday, I spent time reflecting on what being a 30-something meant to me. My 30's included giving birth to, and raising five amazing boys that challenge me, amuse me, and fill my heart to bursting. They were years filled with being stretched to new proportions in love, patience and flexibility {both mentally and physically}. More often than not, my time, my physical body, and my needs were not my own. They are days I treasure beyond measure but they are also days I am content I am no longer living in the midst of anymore. It didn't take me long to realize that approaching 40 was something to be embraced because all I have lived is imprinted in who I am now.
It was that final nudge I needed to strip away my concerns over what others might be thinking of me so that I can instead more fully embrace what has taught me, shaped me, and informed the person I am. I am married to the love of my life. I am learning to discover and pursue my passions. I have sailed through many happy times, waded through struggles, suffered loss, dealt with sickness, known rejection, met people who have inspired me, felt the sting of loneliness, and learned that I need friends. I know how to laugh at what tickles me, and how to cry when it hurts. I've learned that there are times I should speak up more boldly and that sometimes it's okay to be silent. I am a person who craves time alone, likes routine, could waste all day reading, is challenged by learning new things, and likes to talk {a lot}. I struggle with self-esteem and self-confidence. I am quite content to remain home for days on end. I am very pleased that I am evolving from night owl to morning person.
Although it's been a slow process, I am learning to like who I am and change the things that don't make sense anymore. I am a work in progress that has taken 40 years to get here but I finally feel I have something to offer the world {or at least the people close to me}. I wouldn't want to give up any of the days of learning I've lived that have brought me here right now. And for that reason alone, I embrace this new phase of life.